Edmonton & Calgary Finite Element Analysis and CFD Consulting ServicesPast Projects

Sample Design Projects

Flange Design and Manufacturing Drawings per API 6A

Summary: A machine shop interested in fabricating flanges per API 6A, contacted us to prepare stamped engineering drawings. A total of approximately 50 drawings were prepared for a variety of flanges. The flanges were added to a new line of product offerings.

Design of Composite Pressure Vessels per ASME Section X

Summary: A fabricator contacted us to help them design and analyze 10 new sizes of composite pressure vessels. Upon completion the new vessels were added to their existing product line and the result was a significant increase in sales.

Design and Analysis of Custom Tool per CSA-W59

Summary: The client required a tool that would allow them to safely lift large engine cranks from one location to another in their shop. We designed the tool using FEA and prepared manufacturing drawings.

Design of Paint Rack

Summary: A paint rack was designed for oilfield tubulars that could hold a variety of sizes and could be easy rolled into the paint booth and around the shop.

Design of Shop Table

Summary: Tables were required for supporting particularly large and heavy pieces of equipment that required locking wheels so it could be moved around the shop.

Design of BOP Body

Summary: The client required blow out preventer body that could withstand a maximum internal pressure of 15,000 psi.

Sample FEA Projects

FEA - Trailer Analysis

Summary: We worked with a trailer manufacturer and helped them design a new custom trailer for a client. The FEA model was compromised primarily of beam and plate elements.

FEA - Ceiling Mount for LCD Projector

Summary: The client performed the original design and we did the analysis to ensure the mount had an appropriate factor safety.

FEA - Shop Support Rack

Summary: We used FEA to ensure that the carrying capacity of each shelf for the rack was suitable for the required loads.

FEA -Storage Rack

Summary: The client purchased a used rack and required a fatigue analysis to determine the number of remaining loading/unloading cycles.

FEA -Lifting Platform

Summary: A hydraulically activated platform required FEA to determine the maximum lifting capacity and to ensure deformations were acceptable.

FEA -Pressure Vessels

Summary: We have performed many of these analyses and prepared reports per ABSA AB-520.

FEA - Composite Pressure Vessels

Summary: In order to have the tanks certified, we used FEA to confirm the maximum internal pressure.

Sample CFD Projects

CFD - Oilfield Valve Analysis

Summary: The client was experiencing premature valve wear due to erosion. Based on our analysis, the valve was redesigned and the valve life was increased significantly.

CFD - Medical Device

Summary: The client had developed a new syringe like device and required the analysis to optimize specific flow characteristics.

CFD - Handheld Tool

Summary: The device incorporated some microscale components which required optimization and manufacturing drawings

CFD - Porous membrane

Summary: The client was designing a proprietary membrane for a new device and required flow analysis focusing on pressure drops and membrane fouling.

CFD - Pipe Erosion

Summary - A section of pipe in a industrial process was experiencing significant erosion and we redesigned it to reduce the effect dramatically.